Community Readers

If you attend a private school, charter school, or home school, or even if you do not attend school at all, you can still join the challenge!

Create your Beanstack account as shown below.

1. Go to Administration and Community and scroll down to 

Click Register an Individual or Family

2. If you've used Beanstack to participated in a reading challenge, click Yes; if not, click No.

Click Yes or No

3. Answer the prompts as appropriate for you and your family.

Who you are registering for

4. Complete the registration information and click Next.

Registration information

5. Click Yes if you'd like to create another account; click No if you are ready to begin.

Create another account

6. Once your account has been created, select the challenge that you'd like to join. (Please see example below.)
Congratulations! You have successfully joined the challenge and your logged reading minutes will start counting toward our collective goal!

Select the Challenge to participate in

7. Start logging your reading and activities by clicking Log Reading and Activities at the top of the page.

Log Reading and Activities

8. Select Start a Reading Timer, Log Minutes or Complete an Activity. 

What to log
Log Reading and Activities

9. Write a review by clicking Write a Review at the top of the page.

Write a Review
Write a Review Information